
PT. Senior Marketing System Indonesia

Best Matching Best Value

PT. Senior Marketing System Indonesia
About Us

PT. Senior Marketing System Indonesia Recognizing the growing demand in the Asian medical and healthcare market, SMS places a top priority on the region and operates across 17 countries.









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Our Services

What we can do for you



SMS Indonesia partners with more than 300 hospitals and 2000 clinics in Indonesia to provide open booth activities by organizing attractive sponsored events conducted by our well trained SPGs (sales promotion representative) to deliver product support booth (selling/sampling of products) to hospitals and patients.

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Content Creation

Content Creation

One of SMS Indonesia's key strengths lies in having an internal practice doctors who not only provides medical expertise but also contributes ideas to create medically trusted content. Additionally, our team includes a professional medical writer capable of producing articles related to the healthcare industry.

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Doctor Consultation

Doctor Consultation

When companies/brands are looking to promote their product to be health friendly or need explanation on its health benefits from healthcare professionals, SMS will help partner up with our professional coverage of doctors and other healthcare professionals within our network to deliver useful & informative suggestions to targeted customers.

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One of SMSID's key strengths, distinguishing it from other agencies, lies in its extensive and reliable network of connections with hospitals throughout Indonesia.

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Using our our largest Health Care Professional network coverage within Indonesia, we provide sampling activity by distributing our clients' sampling products to patients at hospitals and clinics to measure its effectiveness and expand its brand awareness as healthy product by collaborating with medical institutions.

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Client Testimonials

What do they say after using our services?

Terima kasih kepada pihak PT.SMS Indonesia yang telah support product sampling untuk para pasien. Dengan kegiatan sampling produk tersebut semakin menambah kesan positif dan kenyamanan para pasien di RS Islam jakarta cempaka putih. Semoga kedepannya dapat terus bekerjasama. Sukses selalu.. terimakasih PT. SMS Indonesia

Ibu Yanum Fitri
Ibu Yanum Fitri
Kepala Marketing at RS Islam Jakarta Cempaka Putih

Product sample sangat berguna untuk para pasien

ibu Halimatussa'diah
ibu Halimatussa'diah
Humas at RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat

Terimakasih untuk SMS Indonesia yang selalu support sample di Ciputra CitraRaya Hospital, Semoga kedepannya semakin banyak Brand yang berkolaborasi dengan SMS Indonesia dan makin beragam juga untuk kegiatan nya, Sukses Selalu ya

Humas & Promotion at Ciputra CitraRaya Hospital

Kerja sama dengan SMS seperti kegiatan sampling, dengan rumah sakit kami, sangat diapresiasi oleh pasien dan karyawan kami. Sampel yang dibagikan membantu mereka mengetahui dan mencoba produk yang diterima. Secara keseluruhan, SMS menawarkan produk sampel yang sangat baik kepada pasien kami. Senang bisa berkolaborasi dengan SMS Indonesia. Terima kasih atas bantuan dan layanan Anda. Saya harap kedepannya bisa terus bekerja sama Sukses terus ya Aamiin

Marketing Senior at RS Haji Jakarta

Senang sekali dapat berkolaborasi dengan SMS Indonesia, kegiatan/program yang ditawarkan juga selalu bervariatif dan denganinovasi baru, sehingga pasien happy dengan adanya kegiatan tersebut. Secara keseluruhan, SMS menawarkan produk yang sangat baik kepada pasien kami.Terima kasih, Saya harap kedepannya bisa terus bekerja sama.

Rolina T. Sari
Rolina T. Sari
Corporate Business Development at RS Brawijaya

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